Jarrell Velasquez Returns to Belize
Jarrell Velasquez is home from China and we were rather lucky to get an interview with this upcoming Belizean celeb while he’s in Belize.
Featured Photo by Anthony Sierra Photography
We love promoting Belizean success stories and Jarrell Velasquez is making strides Belizeans should celebrate. He has received lots of love not only in China but also here in Belize since his return. Our culture is certainly shifting to one that promotes our own!
Jarrell Velasquez Interview
Jarrell has been in Shenzhen, China since August 2016 and refers to it as “a land of opportunity”. He even got the opportunity to meet the famous Kobe Bryant. He will return to China to continue building his career but after playing professionally, plans to return to Belize. Moreover, Jarrell wishes to be active in the growth and development of basketball in Belize and hopes to get players, trainers and coaches opportunities on the world stage.
When I was 15, I prayed and I didn’t ask God to make it in life. Instead, I prayed for unmatched work ethic.
Where does your drive come from? My drive comes from not having much growing up and wanting to change that. I desperately want to be successful, to live a certain lifestyle, to be in a position to provide for my family and to provide opportunities for the people in my life.
What do you think most contributed to your success? My faith in God. When I was 15, I prayed and I didn’t ask God to make it in life. Instead, I prayed for unmatched work ethic and he blessed me with that.
How did you first get into sports? My older cousin use to take me to the basketball court to play. Also, my mom use to have me watching Lakers games when I was 2 years old. While I don’t remember that much, she never lets me forget it.
Tell Belize something in Mandarin. 切皆有可能 – Anything is possible!
切皆有可能 – Anything is possible!
I have to be ready in case I get an opportunity.
“Something that’s very important that I want people to know is that I always considered myself to be world class. Long before these opportunities, I watched NBA games and said ‘those guys are my competition’. I always use to tell myself that I have to be ready in case I get an opportunity.
What gave me peace was the mentality that if I do my part and I don’t get an opportunity, then that’s fine. It’s out of my control at that point. But if I get an opportunity and I wasn’t ready, I won’t be able to live with myself. So I make sure I’m always ready: mentally, physically, spiritually, and in every way.
It wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t know how to dream.
Today a lot of those guys I use to watch in the NBA and on ESPN are literally on the same team as me or on opposing teams. I use to say that they were my competition and now they really are. But it wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t know how to dream.
That’s what I want to share with people: Dream BIG! It’s free, costs absolutely nothing to use your imagination and dream. You’d be surprised what you can accomplish if you have a dream that you work towards.”
What encouragement would you give to Jardehl Muschamp (another rising star in Belize) as he prepares to study internationally? Keep striving, keep being ambitious, and continue to live your purpose. This is just the beginning for you.
Jarrell Velasquez x ID SEVEN Photoshoot
We were nervous getting the opportunity to photograph Jarrell. Not that we were not confident in Anthony’s skills (because he is amazing!) but on Jarrell’s Instagram, he shares his photoshoot opportunities in China and they always have all these professional equipment. We don’t have comparable equipment but he treated us like we were just as good and Anthony captured some great photos! All ID SEVEN photos in this post were captured by Anthony Sierra.
Excellent capture. I love that you looked to God and recognize that He gives you all that you have. Work ethics are awesome gifts. He has released to you specific skills to achieve His will in and through your life.
Your humility is amazing and will continue to forge you forward in excellence.
We love that too! He will go a long way with this attitude and humility!