Ever since our first brand rep search, we have been getting request from youths wanting to rep our brand. ID SEVEN is for the second time looking for Belizean brand reps. We invite Belizeans locally, regionally and internationally to join our team. Belizeans have proved to us that local support is real and as we grow, we want to take you along on the journey! 

Featured Photo by Anthony Sierra Photography

We would love to feature you in front of our growing audience (21k combined followers / 13k on Instagram). This is especially great if you desire to become a social media influencer. You will also receive exclusive discounts off your purchases and discount codes for your followers. Not to mention, you get the opportunity to rock new releases first! Our search ends January 16, 2020. Keep in mind that we will close the search early if we reach our target number of applications before that date.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for people who are very active social media users and love promoting Belizean-made products! We especially love outgoing and creative personalities who enjoy being in front of the camera. It helps (but is not required) if you:

  1. own ID SEVEN merch
  2. post high quality photos
  3. have an average of 100+ likes on your most recent photos
  4. have subscribed to the ID SEVEN blog (right sidebar on computer, scroll to bottom on mobile)
  5. post several times a week
  6. have comments on your photos
  7. are active on our ID SEVEN Instagram (comment on / like our posts)

To apply:

  1. Follow us on Instagram – @idsevenapparel.
  2. Complete the application (takes about 5 minutes).

If successful, we will contact you! (: Be sure to subscribe to our blog to receive updates along this journey.

brand rep search 2020

Photo by Anthony Sierra


ID SEVEN Apparel is a proud Belizean-made, lifestyle brand. We are based online and operate out of Belmopan, Belize. We exist for youths and 100% of our profit is invested in them.