Has it really been that long?

Really hard to believe it’s been 6 years since we made the decision to start this little company. Today, November 20, 2017, ID SEVEN celebrates 6 years of offering fun fashion options in Belize. We have seen many happy moments along this journey. But as with everything, we have also experienced failures and those “why did I get myself in this mess” moments. Regardless of those moments, we stuck in there and today we want to share with you 3 not-so-rocket-science-tips we give ourselves each day.

maintain the drive.

Remember that excitement of unwrapping the toy you just had to have for Christmas? Then 4 months down the road you don’t even know where it is? Don’t let that happen in business or whatever project you have invested time to even start.

Whatever you do, maintain the drive you started with. Don’t let it become a routine. We always keep why we started this and where we want to go in mind. A million questions run through our head every time we make a decision. Is this related to our goal? How will it be received by our customers? Does it represent things we value?

be nice to people.

A no-brainer. ID SEVEN started with people in mind and we have worked hard to keep that focus. Not every customer, or person you do business with will be as sweet as your favorite aunt, and even then–be nice to people. We haven’t been 100% nice to everyone we must admit. At times, we had to fight ourselves and put that flaring Belizean attitude aside, because in the end it is really not worth it. So be genuinely nice to people, just in everything you do, in everyday life, to people that may never purchase what you offer. Always aim to be someone others like.

local support is real.

You know how you always hear “Belizeans don’t support their own”? We haven’t really seen that on this journey. It was not even in mind for us really. We wanted to produce something Belizeans would be proud to call their own and set out with a goal to win their hearts. From the get-go we were encouraged by Belizeans to keep this little company going. We don’t have the exact stats (probably should look into that) but about 95% of our business is from Belizeans, though we also target other audiences. ID SEVEN has received such great support from Belizeans in Belize and with us now offering our tees in the US, from those living abroad. It is clear that buying local products is a reality today in Belize. Our advice? Give people something they can’t help but fall in love with, whether in product form or an award-winning service, then watch the support flow in.

and the brata.

Don’t forget to have fun along the way.

Do you own a business in Belize? Comment your tips below. We’d love to learn from you!

Now for the good stuff! Head over to our Facebook Page to see how you can win a $100 GIFT CARD from ID SEVEN!

ID SEVEN Celebrates 6 Years